Baptisms and Weddings

Baptisms and Weddings

Michael and Megan Denslow - June 11, 2006

On June 11, 2006 Noah and Becky Denslow brought their newborn twins Michael and Megan to our church to receive the Sacrament of Christian Baptism. Becky grew up in our church and she and Noah were married here. They now reside in New Hampshire.

Hope Platt Marries Brian Bickmeier on July 8, 2006

Our own Hope Platt who grew up in our church married Brian Bickmeier at the First United Methodist Church in Fairbanks, Alaska. We wish the new couple our very best!!

Harmony Rose Platt - January 22, 2006

On January 22, 2006 Seth and Michelle Platt brought their daughter Harmony Rose Platt to the Abington Congregational Church to receive the Sacrament of Christian Baptism. Seth grew up in our church, and he and Michelle were married here. They are now living in Japan, as Seth is a serving officer in the US Air Force.

Tourtolette-Hanson Wedding November 18, 2006

On Saturday, November 18, 2006 our own Jimmy Tourtolette brought his bride Roberta Hanson to his home church to be united in Holy Matrimony. It was delightful to celebrate their special occations in our own congregation. The following includes photos of their beautiful decorations in our church.

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